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Scene from Westerbork-Film: Settela Steinbach


Secne from DER FÜHRER SCHENKT DEN JUDEN EINE STADT – Deutschland 1944; Dir: Kurt Gerron.

Westerbork – Theresienstadt. Two filmic stations of the Holocaust
Lecture with film clips, free admission

While in Westerbork (Netherlands) the SS wanted to document their work with film recordings, propaganda recordings were intended to present Theresienstadt (Czechoslovakia) as a “showcase camp” for foreign visitors and Red Cross inspectors. Fragments of the cinematic material are shown and it is explained which paths the footage took after the war.

The event will take place as an online event. Registration is required for participation.

The lectures are in English.


Karel Margry (Historian, Utrecht)

Valentine Kuypers (Curator, Beeld en Geluid, Hilversum)

in Cooperation with

Landeszentrale für politische Bildung


With friendly support by

Eye Filmmuseum


Beeld en Geluid


Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden


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18. Nov. 2020


17:00 - 18:45

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