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Become a sponsor of a cinefest film!

You love film culture? You would like the film heritage to not simply disappear into the archives, but also made accessible to the next generation? You would not just like to see films, but also learn something about the time and the background of their creation? You value film as a part of our cultural and social memory?
If one or more of these statements apply to you, then cinefest – International Festival of German Film Heritage is the right place for you.

cinefest is a forum for cineastes, film historians, journalists, archivists and technicians as part of an audience festival.
With the International Festival of German Film Heritage, CineGraph and the Federal Archives convey the diverse facets of German film history to a broad public. Through the popular and expert presentation of historical film materials as well as the scientific examination of aspects of media and contemporary history, the festival offers a unique and lively forum in Europe for the rediscovery, discussion and appreciation of the European film heritage. In doing so, we build on the experience of the International Film History Conferences, which CineGraph has been organizing for over 30 years and which continue to be an integral part of the festival in Hamburg. The focus is on promoting young scientists, as well as teaching media knowledge to pupils and students.
Every year, the focus is always on a special film historical topic, which is deepened in lectures and discussions at the International Film History Conference.
In 2023 the cinefest will focus on the title ATTENTION! MUSIC … with the development from the musical film comedy to the musical. The focus is on music films from the 1930s.
The festival takes place in Hamburg from 17th to 26th. November at the Metropolis cinema. The congress meets from 13th to 25th. November.

The cinefest is supported by the Authority for Culture and Media of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg as well as other institutions such as the DEFA Foundation, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Foundation, Deutsche Kinemathek, arte and the University of Hamburg.
Nevertheless, we also rely on the support of committed private individuals and companies who help us finance this unique festival. That’s why we’ve come up with something special for you:
For as little as 350 euros, you can become a sponsor of a cinefest film. The sponsorship will be mentioned in the program and at the film screening and you will receive two free tickets for your sponsored film.
With the amount of your payment you decide which film from the program you would like to support: The normal price is 350 euros, a special event (e.g. a silent film with live musical accompaniment or a film with a guest) costs 700 euros.

Have we piqued your interest? Then don’t hesitate to contact us!
Or book a sponsorship directly using the form here:

Sie können mehrere Filmpatenschaften buchen. Aus technischen Gründen ist es jedoch erforderlich, für jeden Film ein eigenes Formular zu senden.
0,00 €


Überweisung: Bitte überweisen Sie den Betrag mit Angabe Ihres Namens / Ihrer Institution und Verwendungszweck: "Filmpatenschaft [optional: Titel des Films]" auf folgendes Konto: CineGraph e.V. – IBAN: DE33200505501241128212 – BIC/SWIFT: HASPDEHHXXX (Hamburger Sparkasse).

Paypal: Sie können den Betrag auch online mit Paypal bezahlen (ein eigenes Paypal-Konto ist nicht notwendig). Bei Auswahl dieser Zahlungsoption öffnet sich nach Absenden des Formulars ein Link zu Paypal.

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