Shop cinefest
Shop cinefest
Editorial: Olaf Brill, Jörg Schöning
November 2023, approx. 168 pages, color. pictures
Content: Contemporary reviews of the films, thematic and survey texts, and a biographical glossary.24.00 euros
In bookstores (from December 2023): 28.00 euros
Editorial Staff: Olaf Brill, Jörg Schöning
November 2022, 168 pages, color. pictures
Content: Contemporary reviews of the films, thematic and survey texts, and a biographical glossary.
Editorial: Olaf Brill, Jörg Schöning
November 2021, 160 pages, color. pictures
Content: Contemporary reviews of the films, thematic and survey texts, and a biographical glossary.
Editorial: Olaf Brill, Jörg Schöning, Rommy Albers und Ivo Blom
November 2020, 152 p., color pictures
Content: Contemporary reviews of the films, thematic and survey texts, and a biographical glossary.