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The Love Parade
US 1929. Director: Ernst Lubitsch. Music: Victor Schertzinger, Clifford Grey. Writer: Ernest [= Ernö] Vajda, Guy Bolton. 92 min. 35mm, OV
Featuring Maurice Chevalier, Jeanette MacDonald, Lupino Lane, Lillian Roth, Eugene Pallette
The German-American comedian and director Ernst Lubitsch, who had been working in Hollywood since 1922, made a series of elegant musical comedies at the very beginning of the talkies era, starring (in alternating combinations) Jeanette MacDonald, Claudette Colbert and the Frenchman Maurice Chevalier. The films, based on the works of Hungarian Ernö Vajda, were praised as masterpieces and received several Oscar nominations.

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21. Nov. 2023



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