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Opening of the congress with presentation of the Willy Haas Prizes

Die große Sehnsucht
GER 1930. Director: István Székely. Music: Friedrich Hollaender, Joe Alex, Frank Strip, Paul Dessau. Writer: Hans H. Zerlett, Emmerich Pressburger. 82 min. 35mm
Featuring Camilla Horn, Theodor Loos, Harry Frank, Paul Kemp, Paul Henckels, Gaststars: Betty Amann, Lil Dagover, Liane Haid, Anny Ondra, Adele Sandrock, Gustav Diessl, Paul Heidemann, Fritz Kortner, Franz Lederer, Harry Liedtke, Fritz Rasp
Film director Hall is urgently looking for a replacement for his failing leading actress. In the studio cafeteria he comes across the young extra Eva, whom he hires and who subsequently rises to film stardom … An attraction of the film are the numerous guest appearances by well-known stars: from Betty Amann, Liane Haid and Anny Ondra to Fritz Kortner, Conrad Veidt, Harry Liedtke and Fritz Rasp.

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22. Nov. 2023



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