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Das Luftschiff
GDR 1982. DR: Rainer Simon. Camera: Roland Dressel. 116 min DCP
with Jörg Gudzuhn, Elisa Montés, Victor Carvajal, Daniel Roth, Katrin Knappe, Gudrun Ritter, Johanna Schall, Hermann Beyer
The film adaptation of the novel by Fritz Rudolf Fries portrays the fictitious biography of a unlucky inventor who dreams of flying, but with his airship plans shatters due to the political realities in Germany and Spain… A visually masterpiece by the award-winning DEFA cameraman Roland Dressel using fantastic animations by Lutz Dammbeck.
also on Metropolis+

Guest: Rainer Simon

Kindly supported by DEFA-Foundation

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20. Nov. 2022



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