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Ball im Savoy
HU/AT 1934. Director: István Székely. Music: Paul Abraham. Writer: Henry Koster, Geza von Cziffra. Based on the operetta (1932) by Paul Abraham, Alfred Grünwald, Fritz Löhner-Beda. 76 min. 35mm
Featuring Gitta Alpár, Hans Járay, Rosi Barsony, Willi Stettner, Felix Bressart, Otto Wallburg
A Mae West-type singer falls in love with a baron whom she first mistakes for a bunk waiter, then for an impostor and thief … Comedy, kitsch and camp in a revue film realised by numerous Jewish exiles in Budapest with many references to the film revues of Busby Berkeley, such as his famous “Top Shots”.

Film and discussion with film historics Christian Rogowski and Hans-Michael Bock. Moderation: Andreas Brämer (Institute for the history of German Jews)

In cooperation with Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Hamburg and IGdJ – Institut für die Geschichte der Juden

Landeszentrale für politische Bildung


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20. Nov. 2023



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